Tuesday, February 08, 2005

WTF - Semen Makes U Happy

You're probably reading the title of the post and saying: "what the f*ck?" And that's precisely the point because it's WTF Day! (4 those new to reading my lil blog, I have WTF day every Tuesday).

So, this little article in New Scientist magazine says in fact that "semen makes you happy. That's the remarkable conclusion of a study comparing women whose partners wear condoms with those whose partners don't." There's a full article on this subject about how women who use condoms or (*gasp*) go for long periods with out sex are at a higher risk 4 depression. You can read the full article here.

Ok, first of all, if I'm depressed, a little hot boy milkshake always helps 2 get me out of a foul mood and I didn't need a damn study 2 tell me that fact.

Secondly, and here comes the WTF element of this story, why did they do a study on this? Surely, there are worthier things to be researched. Surely the money and the time and resources it took for this "science project" could have been allocated to something so much more useful. All the poverty and hopelessness and starving people and worthy charities that need money and we spend money on stupid shit like finding out whether or not gettin' cum is a factor in depression. I once remember in high school watching a documentary about all the ways our government wastes money. This one particular man always stuck out in my mind. He worked in the consumer dept. or something like that and his sole job was to run tests on things like the thickness of ketchup. His salary 4 this? $250,000.00 a year. And this was in the early nineties.

How much money does our government waste? Someone should do a study on that.

"Ready or not, here I come!"


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